I love makeup. If you were to add up the total cost of my makeup collection, I could go to Paris for a week. It's borderline insanity how much cosmetics I own. It's actually getting disappointing going into Sephora and realizing that you already own most of the store. MAC, I challenge you to show me something that I don't have already.
I really haven't been paying too much attention to new makeup collections lately because I keep seeing colors I already own. However, for some reason this week I opened an email from Chanel announcing their new spring lineup. My jaw dropped and my credit card shrieked. May I introduce Chanel's Harmonie de Printemps (Spring Harmony for the non-French speakers)?

It's soft, lovely, and just drop dead beautiful. Since I'm a huge polish lover, my eyes were instantly drawn to the soft orange on her fingertips, which is named June. My heart stopped beating, and you can bet my first stop this weekend in Easton will be to the Nordie's Chanel counter. Here's the pieces from the collection that I will probably end up buying:

Out of the polishes, I will definitely be buying June and probably May. May is a vivid pink and reminds of the cherry blossoms in Washington D.C., which is one of my favorite things ever. There is a limited edition eyeshadow that is roughly the exact same shade of the June polish called Tigerlily, and I originally thought it was included in the quad eyeshadow palette. It's actually not though, and I have similar shades already. The blush has all of my favorite shades blended into one handy compact.
Pantone has called orange the color of 2012, and this simply wonderful collection is a great way to get introduced to the fun of one of my all-time favorite colors.
Here are some swatches I've pulled from some of my fellow beauty bloggers who already have the collection:

June polish, source, The Polish Police
May polish, source, The Polish Police

Tigerlily shadow, source, The Best in Beauty

Tigerlily swatch, source, The Best in Beauty