Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WVF Will be Back After These Messages

Hello, everyone.

Until further notice, there will be no posts on West Virginia Fashion.

There are several reasons why:

1) I'm burnt out on the fashion blogging thing. Despite the amazing amount of fashion and beauty news that goes on daily, I got to the point where I frankly didn't care anymore. Post writing was stressful and became a chore. At this point, it's best I step away and take some time to decide what I want to do with WVF.

2) I started a small side project website last summer. I estimate I put in 15, 20 hours tops into it last year. The readership for that tiny project is damn near five times than that of  WVF. From a ROI (return on investment) standpoint, I would have to be crazy not to seize this opportunity. 

If you need/want to get into touch with me for any reason, 
just email me at
wvfashionologist [at] gmail.com