Tuesday, March 1, 2011

White House|Black Market Coming to Huntington!

About a month ago, I posted a list of stores or brands that I'd love to see come to West Virginia.  While it's not one of my top picks, White House|Black Market is a welcome addition to downtown Huntington.  It's not going in Pullman Square though, but at 905 Third Avenue.  This is what use to be the 9th St. Plaza, right next to the AT&T Store and facing the patio of the Marshall Hall of Fame Cafe.  The building was most recently an upscale kid's clothing store--or for longtime residents of Huntington--the former Bowinkle's restaurant. 

I miss Bowinkle's.  Not only was the food good, it was very affordable.  You can't eat downtown and drop fewer than $10 on a meal.  I don't even what to think about eating out with kids costs these days.  I may be a bit biased, though, because Bowinkle's was my first job.

Ahem, back to White House|Black Market.  As the store's name might suggest, a majority of the clothing and accessories are in black and white. Sure, there's some neutrals mixed in, along with a color or two, but the store looks and feels like a P. Diddy theme party.  The best way I can best describe the clothes is a mix between Ann Taylor Loft and Macy's INC line. 

The only reason I don't see WH|BM doing well are the price points.  WH|BM is pricey, at least by West Virginia standards.  Expect a dress--even a basic jersey dress--to cost around $100.  Shoes also average $100.  I can definitely see lots of Marshall students shopping at WH|BM, and between them and the small-ish professional population, the store might be able to survive. 

Here are some dresses I'd love to get in my closet:

Mosiac Print Chemise, $98

Blue Floral Print Sheath Dress, $168

I am excited, though.  No word yet on when White House|Black Market will open, but according to WSAZ.com, the company said "soon."