Thursday, June 23, 2011

FAUX PAS: Wearing Old Trends

A few years ago, when skinny jeans came back into style, I would have sworn the style wouldn't last.  Obviously, I was wrong, and I eventually caved in and bought a pair.  However, there are some trends that have come and gone, and yet I still see them.  Here's a smattering of some of the worst offenders:

First of all, what made these stylish to begin with?  I want to say I first started seeing these in the 2003-2004 area.  While most people had simple totes made out of various foil-packed beverage containers, there were some sophisticated designs like satchels and one admittedly well-done intricate clutch.  I appreciate the effort to recycle, but there are much more stylish bags out there made of recycled products.  I can still find these sold at yard sales, flea markets, and even in antique shops.

I had a pair of gaucho pants, and I'm not going to lie, I loved them.  However, I did come to accept that their trendiness was over after some time, and I stopped wearing them in public.  I do occasionally sleep/clean house/garden in them, but no one will ever see me wear them.  They're comfortable, but they aren't terribly flattering.  I remember my sorority wearing these like it was our job, but after the summer of I want to say '06, nobody ever wore them again.  Thankfully, the fabric on gauchos is thin, and most fell apart and were never replaced.  However, I did see a woman wearing these (with some fugly wedge flip flops) at Home Depot the other day.  If you are currently reading this post while wearing a pair of gauchos and are considering writing me a nasty email, please consider these wide leg yoga pants from Old Navy.  They are the same length, better fabric, and much more flattering.

Sing along with me, "I'm a slllllaaaavvvee foooor yooooouuu..."  Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera made low-rise lace-up pants popular as far back as 1999.  These, no-waist jeans, and jeans with the excessive fading that looked like your femur bone was showing were popular back in the early part of this century.

Whale tail.  Need. I. Say. More?  Along with the lace up trend as shown above, it became trendy to show off your thong above your pants.  I can remember back as a sophomore in high school the ever-popular teen catalog Delia's displaying a set of pastel-colored thongs with butterflies on the back straps that were meant purely to pull above your pants.  I can also remember my mom flipping out over said butterfly thongs and saying a few choice words about mothers who would let teenagers wear such things.

I'd have to say the crocheted sequin hobo is one of the worst offenders I still see on a near daily basis.  What's even more depressing is that the purse in question is usually beat up, missing half the sequins, and the handles are coming unknit. Please, stop the madness, and put the purse to rest.