As I've mentioned previously, I'm not great with hair. Usually, as long as it's clean and not a
total mess, I'm usually fine with the state of my hair. But
after the horribly highlighting incident from earlier this year, my hair has been all sorts of messed up. I've always had oily hair, but now the top of my head is super oily, and about 8 inches down or so is completely dried out. I've been going through shampoos and conditioners trying to find something that will make my hair look and feel better. After several recent attempts, I think I finally found something.
Walmart, in it's somewhat desperate search to be something for everybody has begun to carry salon brands such as Essie nail polish and all sorts of hair brands such as Big Sexy [Whatever], Federic Fekkai, Bed Head, etc. Again, since I'm not a hair person, I've never had the urge to buy any of these products because I can't justify spend $25 on a small bottle of shampoo. However, Walmart did stock some travel sizes of Bumble and bumble travel size products for about $7.50. I seriously kept thinking about buying them just to try them, but $15 bucks for travel size shampoos? Really? However, I found them just the other night at one of the Huntington Walmarts for just $2 per bottle. I went ahead and got several of the Creme de Coco bottles because now the price seems reasonable.
I'm happy I tried this shampoo and conditioner out. The Creme de Coco not only manages the oil spill on top of my head, but it combats the Sahara that my ends resemble. This shampoo really doesn't seem to lather right away, and a seemingly small amount will get the job done, no matter how long or thick your hair may be. The most impressive thing about this set is the fact that my hair
stays clean-looking until I wash it the next time. I try not to wash my hair everyday, as that dries it out even more, but when you work outside in 90 degree weather and your head sweats like crazy, it can't be avoided. But my hair has stayed fresh looking, and I'm overjoyed at that.
The only reason I will not buy the full-size bottles is price. At $22 per 8 oz bottle, it's just not fiscally feasible. Even though the formula seems more concentrated than say Suave or Pantene, and a bottle may last you 2 months or so, that's a lot of money when I can probably find another--cheaper--alternative.
There is a cheaper alternative:

I bought this out of curiosity this spring while in Washington D.C. I remember seeing the bottles at the Rite-Aid my friend worked at in college (I'd visit and shoot the breeze with her while looking at makeup and hair stuff), and always wanted to try it. At the time, I couldn't afford $12/bottle shampoo. However, while in the
most amazing hair and beauty product place EVER, the Chinatown Bed, Bath & Beyond, I found bottles for only $5/bottle. Even though this picture shows the thickening shampoo (something I sure don't need), I have the glossing shampoo, and it's every bit as incredible as the Creme de Coco.
The downside: the heavily perfumed smell. I can smell the perfume on my pillows when I get up in the morning, and throughout the day. While this may not bother some people, I wake up with a bit of congestion that's a bit irritating. For special occasions, or when I meet with clients, I'll use this shampoo for the unmatched shine it provides. It's also a bit difficult to find. It's not carried at Rite-Aid anymore, and while I haven't checked Drug Emporium, I may have to go online to buy more.
Both the Bumble and bumble and Charles Worthington are fantastic products, the cost of one and the limited availability of the other will probably prevent me from purchasing either in the future. The search for the perfect shampoo continues...