But just like I fell in love with Sally Hershberger's shampoo for thick hair, I have finally a foundation I adore. Enter Make Up For Ever's HD Invisible Cover Foundation.
On a trip to Sephora about two months ago, I ended up shelling out $40 on a whim on this HD foundation. If you've read any sort of women's magazine for the past six months, then you've noticed ads claiming that the model's makeup wasn't retouched or Photoshopped. This is that foundation. I'll admit the ads are a bit gimmicky, but they worked as I made the purchase. Make Up For Ever (also known as MUFE in cosmetic circles) is known as a pretty solid brand, so I wasn't too concerned about the quality of the makeup.
I've been using the big, fluffy brush I got with the Tarte 8th Wonder of the World set earlier this year to apply the foundation. I'm incredibly impressed with this foundation. It's not quite full coverage, but more so than the Tarte. It also doesn't give my face that gray-ish tint that MAC was bad about. It covers my acne scars beautifully, as well as evening out my skintone. It also lasts all day. When I test "does it last all day?" this means the product is still on my face after I've worked outside for eight hours. This MUFE foundation didn't budge a bit.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm using a big, fluffy foundation brush to get great results. I've also used my Beauty Blender sponge, and a regular wedge sponge, and got similar results. I know a lot of people are moving to flat foundation brushes, but I've tried to use those with a variety of foundations and was never impressed with the coverage. My skin felt gross and the makeup felt caked on. I don't even think I own a regular foundation brush anymore so I can't tell you how well it might apply.
If you're like me and have a box full of foundations that didn't live up to your expectations, splurge and get this foundation. If you're worried about money, Sephora will be more than happy to supply you with samples to help you make your mind up.