Oxblood was declared by many in the fashion industry to be the hottest color for fall, and it was seen in many of the fall runway shows. It's not really maroon or burgundy, it's a brown mixed with red, if that makes sense. To dress up this simple outfit of a leopard print cardigan and oxblood skinnies, I added some shirts to choose from depending on your style daring.
Simple: I chose a basic white shirt. You could also use a brown or black shirt/cami/tank and get the same effect. Since this is a solid color top, you can mix the brown accessories I chose here, or use tan or black instead.
Chic: for a hint of Parisian chic, I chose a striped black and white shirt. Because the stripes are simple and in the same color family, it doesn't look too busy or clashing. However, for this paticular outfit I would go with black accessories.
Daring: Truly for the fashion foward. Pastels are huge for the coming spring, and I saw this shade of blue on at least 12 different runway shows, along with mint green and a delicate aqua. You don't have to jump in on the spring trends until spring, but if you want to get a head start, this blue compliments to oxblood skinnies. I love this blouse, but a simpler top can be subsituited. I would keep accessories to black, brown, or a mixture of both. Too many colors will take away from the impact of the blue or whatever color you pick (avoid neons, though).