Dove | Dove Body Wash
Philosophy | Mor | Ahava
Let me start today's post with a shower poof. The one I have pictured is from Dove + Men Care and has a basic shower loofah on one side and a rough textured surface on the other. It may be marketed to men, but women should be buying this poof instead of the usual colorful loofah. The rough textured side really helps with getting those rough, dry patches off elbows, knees, heels, or where ever else you may have them. It is a bit hard to get used to as first as it doesn't quite fit well in a wet, soapy hand. It may not be pink, but the utilitarian gray will change your skin.
It's hard to say which of these washes is my favorite. When I flat out need moisture, I reach for Dove or Ahava. If I want something that smells better, I reach for any of Philosophy's fun scents or a luxe scent from Mor. Dove is the cheapest at $6 per bottle, but any of the other brands can be found quite often at T.J. Maxx or Marshall's.
You may have noticed a certain well-known brand missing from this post and the post on body lotion. While I do like the scents, Bath and Body Works products, if you'll pardon the pun, stink. The body wash is too drying and the lotion feels horrible on my skin. As far as I'm concerned,
B & BW is just about the scent and not the skin care.