Madras | Land's End $60
Lilly Pulitzer | Nordstrom $278
White Eyelet | JC Penney's $42
Nautical | Modcloth $75
Traditionally, the time to put your whites and seersucker has always been Memorial Day. However, since it can easily be 90 degrees in Huntington at the end of April, that date has been moved up to the weekend of The Kentucky Derby. Why the seemingly outdated approach to wearing white?
It's called appropiateness. It's not appropiate to be wearing white gauze when it's 50 degrees out.
It's silly to be wearing nautical motifs when your boat is in dry dock for the winter.
Conversely, would you wear a black wool turtleneck in late July when the humidity is 100 percent?
However, there's still those one or two things that are best kept until Memorial Day, when we all know for a fact we'll be baking outisde on the Capitol grounds during the Vandalia Gathering:Tropical prints and crop tops are best left to when it's a steady 85 degrees and above.
Here's a handy guide you can add to Pinterest to help you remember!