Monday, September 30, 2013

Does Your Company's Dress Code Hinder Your Productivity?

While doing my morning Twitter reading, I came across this Fast Company article discussing the possibility of workplace dress codes are disrupting productivity.

My first thought before I read this article: Really?!

My thought after reading the article:  What a bunch of whiners. 

In my experience, when you take on a job you're told the dress code up front and there's been a time or two where I've had to sign documents that state the dress code was explained to me. Personally, I'm a fan of dress codes. I think it instills a feeling in me that says it's time to work so you can pay yo bills and buy cheap, useless but fun crap at Target. The clothes make the woman: a sheath or slacks with a blouse tell me, my manager, and my clients that I'm there to work; that I take my job seriously. I do have a casual Friday (well, Saturday) where I can wear jeans and while I enjoy the casual atmosphere that day, not much gets done. It's as if I've already checked out for the weekend.

While I do think some of the issues raised in the article are a bit nit-picky--such as the proper length of sideburns--at the same time I understand why a company makes such seemingly silly rules. People just don't seem to know how to dress for anything that isn't casual. I've even written about how people aren't being able to get jobs due to their interview outfits.

Here are some fashion violations I commonly see in downtown Charleston amongst the worker bees:

Capri pants | Really too casual for work, even for those businesses that are business casual. If you want a similar look, ankle or cropped pants give a more professional feel.

Mini skirts | I saw more mini skirts walking into offices on Capitol Street last week at 8:30 AM that I do at Saturday nights at the bar. At the shortest, skirt length should be around 3"-4" above your knee. 

Flip flops | I don't care how fancy they are, the materials, or the designer. Flip flops are meant for the pool or beach and not the office.

Leggings | Do I really need to explain this one? Also, leggings are not pants.

Denim | Any type, any color, any style is just not workplace suitable. 

I've worn uniforms for a majority of my life. I started wearing them in kindergarten and wore them until I graduated high school. I then wore them again after college for various jobs. Have I complained about wearing them? Sure. But I've never let my productivity nor my creativity be hampered by what I was wearing. All those who complain that a dress code hampers their ability to do their jobs fully are just looking for an excuse to hold themselves back.