Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pinterest Board of the Month: Updating Your Winter Look

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 I thought it would be interesting to highlight one of my Pinterest boards each month, just to let everyone know what's really caught my eye. This month I'm highlighting a brand new board which I actually just started this morning.

This month's board I named Update Your Winter Look 2013 to highlight how to really dress in the winter. A lot of people assume they have to dress like crap in cold weather, which isn't true. It does take a bit more imagination but it's actually pretty easy once you know what to look for. A lot of women--and I have no idea why--simply don't dress for the weather. A sweater, leggings, and Uggs might be okay if the temperature is in the low 50s, but when it's 20-something with snow on the ground? Oh, honey...

Anyways, click on the photo above to head over to Pinterest to figure out how to look your best in a parka. It's possible.