During this time (late 90's) Revlon introduced a grunge? urban? line called Streetwear. Obviously, it was aimed at teenagers, but it gained many fans because most polishes at that time were fairly conservative (this was slightly before glitter polishes became the rage). There was everything from polishes to creamy eyeshadows to lipsticks galore. Let's not forget body glitter. up until about my junior or senior years of high school (2002-2003), body glitter was a huge trend. Since then, not so much, but it's still fairly easy to find.
This shade was called Disco. I still have a bottle of this.
It's hard to remember that far back, but I seem to recall Streetwear's quality was pretty decent. I still have an amazing cream shadow that was a swirl of pink and purple that looks amazing. Is it still good...eh. But it still looks great, and there's just a hint of it left around the edge of the container. I maybe have 2-3 wears left. I have been unable to find a good dupe for it, other than a Rimmel U shadow that could give me the same color, but not the wear power nor the metallic shine.
I owned several of the Streetwear polishes, and they were probably the best part of the line. I remember several specifically, one was a hazy charcoal gray/gold, depending on the light and how you looked at it. unfortunately, I can't remember the name of it, and while looking at the information and swatches available online there are two that look very similar to it. I'll remember the name one day!
I've mentioned in another post that I've been unable to wear light blue polishes, and Streetwear's Sky is the reason. I got this polish sometime my freshman year of high school, and wore it all four years. Thusly, it claims the title of the only bottle of nail polish I've ever used in its entirety. I was very matchy-matchy in high school and wore a ton of light blue. Here's a swatch:
[caption id="attachment_128" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Image from lextard - nails, makeup & more "]
The Streetwear was a very successful line and lasted the better part of 7-8 years. It had already been around a year or two before I first discovered it, and while I can't find an exact date of when it was discontinued, I'm fairly certain it was right after I started college, 2003. Despite this, I've been able to find the occasional Streetwear product at places like Drug Emporium (at the Huntington Mall or in the Kanawha City area in Charleston), and at various dollar stores. Streetwear can also be found in through European or Indian cosmetics stores, the brand is still alive in those areas. There's quite a bit of an online following for the brand, especially the polishes. In fact, I was able to purchase a bottle of my beloved Sky this morning, and can't wait to get it back on my nails.