Firstly: Perfume. Due to asthma and/or and allergies, both my mother and two of my sisters can't stand to be around perfume. It's just a habit I never got into. However, I do love perfume, and try to wear it without killing my family. I do have a stack of perfume samples I've been sampling, so I'll get around to posting some reviews on those here in the next few days.
Secondly, hair. I am hair-do challenged. I blame this on my mother. For my entire life, she has had a short pixie-like haircut. Neither me nor my sisters were allowed to grow our hair long until she thought we were old enough to take care of it ourselves, which was usually around age 10. As I eventually began to grow my hair out, I made two discoveries: I hate my hair in my face, and I hate my hair on the back of my neck. Ever since then, I have worn my hair in a ponytail, a bun, or some other style just as long as it was up. Yes, I could cut my hair short, and I have several times. But I'm lazy when it comes to going to my stylist as my hair grows so fast I'd have to go once a month to keep it short.
I just never got into doing my hair. I didn't use mousse until my freshman year of college, and it takes forever to blow dry and straighten. So I just usually don't do much with my tresses. However, I do know how to do hair, and can do others with mostly decent results.
Makeup and nails are my preferred area of expertise. I was the go-to girl in college for doing my sorority sisters' makeup, and have dabbled with some freelance makeup artistry since then. And unlike many women, I can paint my nails with the same level of quality as a nail tech. I feel being able to do makeup/nails has outweighed my inability to do my hair. Despite my shortcomings, I do plan on doing some posts of hair, it just probably won't be very often. If you're a whiz with hair, write me something up, take some pictures, and send 'em in to me at wvfashionologist [at] (make sure to change [at] to the @ sign, and no spaces) and I'll post 'em up.