Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Not Dress For Work

I'm a member of an organization called The Levo League.  To describe it rather quickly, it's a networking organization for women by women.  There are job postings, mentors you can actually talk to, and all sorts of other stuff to help young women develop their careers.  Personally, I'm not sure why I joined, seeing as most of the advice/discussion/etc., tends to lean towards positions within marketing/advertising/blogging in big cities  and I'm in the landscaping/construction business in West Virginia.  Maybe one day it'll come in handy, anywho.

The Levo League also likes to discuss fashion, mostly work-related.  While surfing around Facebook today, they posted the following picture with a link to a guest blog post:

(photo source)

I don't know why the League chose to use this picture, as it's not used anywhere in the post.  But since the Levo League is about women helping women, let me give some advice as someone who has been a hiring manager:

  • I hired for landscape designers and apartment managers, both positions that were required to deal with clients.  My company did have a dress code which wasn't too picky but the designers had leeway with their dress code and the apartment managers had to dress business casual.

  • Had anyone shown up to an interview dressed like this, I would ask them "Why should I hire you to represent this company professionally when you don't seem to have a grasp of how a professional should present themself?"

  • Even though most of the landscape designers wore jeans and tees, I would have sent anyone home to change  if they came in dressed like the woman does in this picture.  Again, it's simply not professional, and I wouldn't want that person representing my business.

Had the blouse in question been just a plain pink blouse, I would be okay with the outfit.  Okay, so I really hate the skirt, but the outfit would have been appropriate for either of the positions.  I simply don't think the blouse is appropriate for work, period.

I always like to error on the side of caution and professionalism.  Even when I was in college and was applying for a job as a waitress, I showed up to the interview in a suit, well-groomed.  I also started out making more money per hour than the other waitresses hired at that time with similar experience.

You don't have to spend lots of money on clothes to wear to work or an interview, but make sure that they're appropriate for your position.  Even if I was hiring for a social media consultant in New York City (my dad's hometown), I would question the person who came in dressed like Minnie Mouse.