Lovely picture, and I've been ransacking my nail polish drawer to find something similar to hers. What really stands out to me--and this is one of the hot beauty trends for fall--is her lipstick. To me, it looks like a dark plum, and the shade she's wearing is Yves Saint Laurent's Pure Shine Lipstick in Wild Blackberry.
Here's a better close up. The reason I hate this shade on anybody is because it ages you. In this picture, she looks like she's in her early '40s. Compare this to her post from earlier this month:
picture source
Here, Emily looks like she's around my age, maybe mid-20s? I actually didn't know her age so I googled it and she's 28. Something as simple as lipstick can age you over 15 years. I know it's trendy, but if it's going to age me, no way on Earth am I even going to consider it.
However, this same toffee/plum/brown lipstick is seen very often on the lips of West Virginians. This was popular back in the '90s, just watch an early episode of Friends for verification. I also see the same color in blush. In fact, raisin/toffee/plum blush is usually often the only ones I see when I shop for makeup at Walmart. Want to avoid looking older than you are or feel? Here are some tips:
-Go to the cosmetic counters at the mall or Sephora. You don't have to buy it there--nor should you feel obligated--but they can help you pinpoint a good color you can then buy elsewhere.
-Ask them for something a blush that will brighten your face. Start off with a peach, coral, or pink.
-If you're not crazy about what they start you off with, give them some more guidance. Want something a little lighter, darker? Let them know.
-Once you find a color you like, head to where you normally buy your makeup.