This is a bit of an odd story and I'm not even sure if it's worth telling but something just, even when I discuss it with friends.
This past Saturday, I was browsing the Sephora inside the JC Penney's at the Charleston Town Center. One of the first sections I always hit up is the clearance section, just to see if something I've had my eye on has dropped in price. Lo and behold, there on the bottom shelf towards the very back is a Clarisonic Classic. It doesn't have a price on it, so I ask. It's a mere $90. I've been debating on buying a Clarisonic for sometime (like, over a year) because I've decided I need something with a bit more oomph than my Olay Pro-X brush. My logic was this: I can spend $90 for the Clarisonic now, or pay $225 down the road. I chose to go ahead and get it.
The Sephora associate advises to charge it for 24 hours before use. I excitedly plug it in and start reading the instruction manual. Huh, there's supposed to be a blinking green light? I don't see one. I try a few more outlets and decided I probably got a dud. The Clarisonic has a warranty so I call into their customer service. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi, I bought a Clarisonic Classic two days ago and it's not charging. The instructions say there should be a blinking light and I don't see one.
Clarisonic Customer Service: Hmm, okay. What's the serial number on the handle?
Me: [whatever the serial number is]. I even tried it in different outlets and I know the outlets work find because I just charged my cellphone in the sam--
Clarisonic Customer Service: Um, ma'am, I hate to interrupt but when did you buy your Clarisonic again?
Me: Saturday afternoon, two days ago.
Clarisonic Customer Service: According to our records, this model was made four years ago.
Me: You gotta be kidding me.
To make a long story short, I had to scan in my Sephora receipt and send it in the Clarisonic folks. Although it may be four years old, they're honoring the warranty and sending me the Clarisonic Plus, the model that replaced the Classic (I really don't see a difference, except there's a body brush head included). So I'm getting the $225 model I was really hesitant to buy in the first place.
The weird part is that I can't wrap my mind around is the fact Sephora is selling a four-year old product. The model is discontinued, which is fine as long as it still works. But this particular little brush has been sitting on a shelf in a Sephora warehouse or stores since 2009.
Maybe I'm making too much of this. I probably am.
I will state for the record that Clarisonic has amazing customer service. Other than the fact both the service agent and I were both shocked to find this brush was so old, it was super smooth and painless. The worst part was that I had to sit on hold for 25 minutes.
If you're interested in purchasing a Clarisonic, Sephora sells plenty that work.
You can also buy one through, and take 20% off the purchase price.