In the country of Malli on the subcontent of East Retailia, an ongoing conflict known as the Battle for Flatlandia has consumed most of the female population for the past several years. After years of dictatorship by a man known to the nation as Pointy Stiletto (real name: Jimmy Choo), the women of the small but influential region in Flatlandia rebelled. While they were not successful in completely overthrowing Pointy Stiletto from Malli, they managed to gain a foothold in their native homeland. After a brief period of peace the residents began to turn on each other in a power struggle for dominance in the countryside, which was quickly filling with refugees from the Blahnik Mountains in the north, the Louboutin jungles to the south, and the Vivier river valley which was dangerously close to Flatlandia. The sudden influx of shelter seekers to the Flatlandia plains had originally confused the residents whom were often the butt of many a Mallian joke. Factions began forming, with five main groups controlling most of the Flatlandia Plains while dozens if not hundreds of much smaller groups remained in the shadows. Some of the groups, such as Madewell, J.Crew, and Gap were similarly armed in materials and workmanship but demanded high prices for "security." Others such as Old Navy and Target were very popular due to their friendliness to the pocketbooks of the Flatlandia population, offering similar "protection" for much less cost.

Target (similar) | Madewell | Old Navy | Gap | J. Crew
There is no absolute answer as to who makes the best flats. It really depends on what you're doing in the shoes and your feet. All the shoes I featured above are the ones I wear the most, and most of them are at least six months old. The blue Target flats I've had for at least three years that are still going strong. I have several pairs of flats from the Gap that just keep going despite me walking to the moon and back in them. Let me break down the pros and cons of each:
Do keep in mind that details in flats can vary, even those made by the same brand.
Here are some of my other favorite brands for flats:
Jack Rogers
Land's End
American Eagle Outfitters
Where are your favorite places to buy flats?