Thursday, November 14, 2013

Which Exfoliator is Right for You?

I love winter and cold weather. I truly do love fall, but bring on the snow, hot chocolate, and hockey season. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the season the Capitols don't choke in the playoffs. 

Next to driving on ice, crowds at the mall, and the song "Christmas Shoes," one of the few things I hate about winter is dealing with my dry, itchy, flaky skin. Exfoliation and moisturizing are key at keeping it at bay. I'm going to cover the three most popular types of exfoliate that you can find either on the shelves of Sephora or your drugstore.

Plastic mini-beads  |  These gentle beads are typically found in many cleansers as opposed to an independent scrub. They're good for simple everyday exfoliation. While you won't see results immediately, you'll notice the results over time. If you have sensitive skin, I highly recommend using a face wash with the plastic mini-beads and gently rubbing your face in circles with a soft wash cloth for exfoliation without bothering your skin too much.
Also try: Bliss Fabulous Foaming Face Wash, $24, Sephora

Walnut/natural scrubs  |  Many scrubs have walnut shells or other natural products like sugar in them. These materials scrub harder than the plastic mini-beads by taking off the very top layer of dead skin cells and anything else that might be floating around. St. Ive's Apricot & Walnut scrubs has been around for decades and is recognized as one of the best scrubs on the market. That should mean it's expensive, right? Nope. It's around $3 at any drugstore. Use these natural scrubs a bit less than plastic mini-beads as they are more abrasive. Every other day should be the max, and most people could get away with using it two-three times a week.
Also try: Sugar Face Polish, $55, Sephora, which has brown sugar as its exfoliant.

Microderm Crystals  |  Microderm crystals are made up of aluminum oxide particles which are more potent of a scrubber than the walnut shells in the St. Ives scrub. Microderm crystals scrub goes a bit deeper and with regular use can help make pores look smaller, help erase fine lines and scars, and lets skin care products sink in better. If you're concerned about aging and are using anti-wrinkle products, you should consider adding microderm crystals into your skin care routine. I received this Vasanti BrightenUp! microderm scrub in my Birchbox this month and I really like it. It's helped tremendously with the dry patches around my nose and on my forehead. Just as a note, microderm scrubs run expensive. At $34, the Vansanti is a good deal.
Also try: Orgins Modern Friction, Nature's Gentle Dermabrasion, $39.50, Sephora

An important note:
As much as everyone hates dead skin cells, they do serve a purpose: helping to protect your face from sun damage. No matter the time of year, you need to add an SPF with broad protection to protect your skin.