Laundry detergent isn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world. Sure, friends will share that one brand is better than another, but from what most people have told me, it comes down to price and what the soap smells like. For the longest time, I was using Cheer's free & clear powder, which is becoming harder to find. I also moved in with my older sister a few months ago, and she has mild eczema, and we have to be careful about what sort of cleaning products we use as to not irritate her skin. She has found that the organic or more natural-based cleaners are much kinder to her skin, so we've been using stuff like Seventh Generation or Method around the house. The Seventh Generation is okay, but I've been really impressed with the Method cleaners. So one day while grocery store, I came across Method's super-concentrated detergent. It comes in a fairly small bottle, about the size of a one liter soda* bottle, and it supposedly covers 50 loads. Four pumps of the stuff takes care of a single load. I was leery about that claim, but it's true. I'm very happy with the Method detergent. Obviously, it cleans well, but my darks look like new, and my whites are whiter. I've also noticed less stretch with my clothes. Due to my job I don't spend a lot of money on my work clothes, hence why I own so much Old Navy. Old Navy jeans are prone to stretching out a good size bigger than what they started, so less stretch is a good thing.
This detergent is also excellent in those front-load HE (high efficiency) washers. It even says it on the package. The only other one that I've seen say that is Tide powder, which stinks to high heaven. Using the incorrect detergent could be why my clothes were stretching out, darks fading, etc.
*I hate, hate,
hate the word "pop" and refuse to use it.