There comes a point in everyone's life, usually after college, when it's time to put the graphic tee's away. What was once the staple of high school and college has aged itself out. Now, I'm not saying ALL graphic tee's are bad and need purged from your closet, but really, it's time to move on. By the time you're in your mid-twenties, like I am, you've moved on into the real world. There's much more selection and style out in the real world. When you're in high school/college, your wardrobe dollars are fairly limited and graphic shirts were cheap, cute, and easy to take care of. Yes, many of us self-described are jeans-and-tees kind of people, but you don't have to resort to a graphic tee, ecspecially a graphic tee that declares a store brand. A simple solid color tee will get you the same ease, and can even work with your more professional wear for your job.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Time To Move On
There's no easy way to say this, but for the 22+ crowd: