So, I'm sitting around listening to the Seu Jorge album "The Life Aquatic Sessions," which is based from the music in the Wes Anderson movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizou, and one of my absolute favorite movies. The songs are all acoustic David Bowie covers, sung in Portuguese. It's simple, it's beautiful, and it reminds me of a lazy summer night watching fireflies dance in the maples in my backyard.
I'm currently being stared at by three loads of laundry that need to be folded. And yet, I just can't find the energy. Gimme a few minutes, clothes, you'll get put away. Later tonight.
There is an actual blog post about fashion coming up as soon as I stop dreaming of summer nights, swimming, and strong fruity pink drinks. The topic: stores/brands that need to come to West Virginia. I've already got a long list, but I'd love to hear your suggestions!